First Setup

After the bot is in your server these are the best commands to run in order to finish the initial setup.
This is a one time thing you do, in order for the bot to function properly.
1) First of all we are going to setup the welcome, log and report channels (don’t worry you can setup whichever one you like first and add the rest later) you can do so by doing /setchannels
2) Secondly you can setup allow and ban channels aka channels where the commands and the bot cannot be used. You can do /allow_channel or /ban_channel accordingly
3) After that it’s best to setup the jail role and the jail channel. Don’t worry, the bot will set it automatically for you with !setupjail
4) It would be a good idea to setup the color-roles in your server, so that users can choose their own color role. Running /createcolorroles will create 60 unique colors for your users to choose from (by running /colorset followed by the number of the color they wish to get) as well as send an image with the colors and the number of the color in a channel of your choice
5) You can setup temp-vc channel where users can create their own temp-vc by joining. The bot will setup everything for you, including the category and the voice-channel by running !tempvcsetup
6) Last but not least you can allow users to have their very own custom role if they boost the server (either one or two boosts, can be setup by the server owner) with /setup_custom_booster_role (the members will have to use /create_custom_role followed by the name of the role and the hex number for the color of the role) If the server is level 2 boosted, the users can send an image, for the role to have a custom icon next to it.
7) Server admins can setup custom XP for server boosters 2x up to 10x so they can climb the leaderboard faster

We will see how all of these different categories work in the documentations
This doc will be updated, each time we drop a new update on the bot, so it will always be up to date.

Updated on August 14, 2024

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