Currency Commands

Manage your in-server economy with these commands, allowing users to earn, spend, and manage virtual currency.

  • blackjack
    • Description: Play a game of blackjack to earn or lose coins.
    • Usage: !blackjack [bet amount]
    • Example: !blackjack 100
  • choose_job
    • Description: Choose a job from the available options to earn coins. To see the available options, check the !jobs command
    • Usage: !choose_job
    • Example: !choose_job
  • coinflip <bet> [heads/tails]
    • Description: Flip a coin to earn or lose coins.
    • Usage: !coinflip <bet amount> heads
    • Example: !coinflip tails
  • coins
    • Description: Check your current coin balance.
    • Usage: !coins
    • Example: !coins
  • daily
    • Description: Claim your daily coin reward.
    • Usage: !daily
    • Example: !daily
  • jobs
    • Description: View the list of available jobs.
    • Usage: !jobs
    • Example: !jobs
  • roulette <bet_type>(aka red, black or green) <bet_amount>
    • Description: Play a game of roulette to earn or lose coins.
    • Usage: !roulette <color> <bet amount>
    • Example: !roulette black 120
  • work
    • Description: Perform your job to earn coins.
    • Usage: !work
    • Example: !work

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