Miscellaneous Commands

A collection of fun and random commands to keep your server members entertained. Keep in mind these work both with the prefix form (!) and slash form.

  • 8ball [question]
    • Description: Ask the magic 8-ball a question and receive a random answer.
    • Usage: !8ball Will I win?
    • Example: !8ball Is today my lucky day?
  • decide [options]
    • Description: Let the bot decide between multiple options.
    • Usage: !decide pizza sushi
    • Example: !decide cats dogs
  • fact
    • Description: Get a random interesting fact.
    • Usage: !fact
    • Example: !fact
  • guess
    • Description: Play a number guessing game.
    • Usage: !guess
    • Example: !guess
  • hangman
    • Description: Play a game of hangman.
    • Usage: !hangman
    • Example: !hangman
  • joke
    • Description: Get a random joke.
    • Usage: !joke
    • Example: !joke
  • poll [question] [options]
    • Description: Create a poll for users to vote on.
    • Usage: !poll What should we do? Play Watch
    • Example: !poll Best pet? Dog Cat
  • rps [rock/paper/scissors]
    • Description: Play rock-paper-scissors against the bot.
    • Usage: !rps rock
    • Example: !rps scissors
  • thisorthat [option1] [option2]
    • Description: Choose between two random options.
    • Usage: !thisorthat apples oranges
    • Example: !thisorthat summer winter
  • trivia
    • Description: Play a trivia game.
    • Usage: !trivia
    • Example: !trivia
Updated on August 14, 2024

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