Temporary Voice Channel Commands

Manage and customize temporary voice channels in your server. (Premium required)

  • tempvcsetup
    • Description: Set up temporary voice channels for the server.
    • Usage: !tempvcsetup
    • Example: !tempvcsetup
  • /banfromchannel [@user]
    • Description: Ban a user from your temporary voice channel.
    • Usage: /banfromchannel @User
    • Example: /banfromchannel @Intruder
  • /claimchannel
    • Description: Claim ownership of an empty temporary voice channel.
    • Usage: /claimchannel
    • Example: /claimchannel
  • /hidechannel
    • Description: Hide your temporary voice channel from other users.
    • Usage: /hidechannel
    • Example: /hidechannel
  • /lockchannel
    • Description: Lock your temporary voice channel to prevent others from joining.
    • Usage: /lockchannel
    • Example: /lockchannel
  • /transferownership [@user]
    • Description: Transfer ownership of your temporary voice channel to another user.
    • Usage: /transferownership @User
    • Example: /transferownership @NewOwner
  • /unlockchannel
    • Description: Unlock your previously locked temporary voice channel.
    • Usage: /unlockchannel
    • Example: /unlockchannel
  • /unhidechannel
    • Description: Unhide your previously hidden temporary voice channel.
    • Usage: /unhidechannel
    • Example: /unhidechannel
  • /permit [@user]
    • Description: Grant a user permission to join your locked temporary voice channel.
    • Usage: /permit @User
    • Example: /permit @Friend
Updated on August 14, 2024

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